This diet is scientifically planned and wouldn’t require any dietary supplements as such. Still, if you are looking forward to have health packed weight loss with accelerated results from the HCG diet then check out these dietary supplements that can be taken at each stage of the HCG diet.
These supplements would accelerate the process of weight loss and also make sure that you remain healthy throughout your HCG diet regime.
Phase 1 – The first phase of HCG diet or any weight loss diet is about preparing your body and cleansing the system. This will increase its acceptance towards the new diet program and give good results. The supplements for phase 1 are mainly related to the cleansing of the body and its systems.
At this stage, include laxative teas, apple cider vinegar, digestive enzymes, and other oils that help cleanse the system. If you still feel the need for external supplements that aid cleansing then go for laxative teas as your body needs them at this stage.
Don’t forget that water is also the best way to cleanse your organ system and you may take maximum water at this stage. The right use of water and digestive enzymes at this stage would prepare your body for all other diet phases to come.
Phase 2 – If you are on certain multivitamins before starting the HCG diet, then you can continue with those supplements during phase 1 but don’t make the mistake of continuing the same during phase 2. The second phase in HCG diet is of strict 800 calories diet and experts recommend that one should avoid any sort of unnecessary supplementation at this stage.
Some vitamins may also interfere with weight loss and would slow down the results. The supplements are recommended only when you feel tired or fatigued during the diet program. The common vitamins recommended at this stage are Magnesium and Potassium. If you are going to take a multivitamin during Phase 2, we recommend the FoodState Multivitamin which you can get at Dischem Here
The dietary supplements are recommended only when you feel tired or fatigued during the diet program.
Phase 3 – This is the stabilization phase and the supplements required during this phase are also the same as phase 2 if needed.